World Cricket Championship 2 : Reviews has published a detailed review of wcc2 pointing out all the features it boasts of and goes on to praise it for its depth. Do take the time to check out the full review here:

Rituraj Behera Co-founder of Cympl mentions World Cricket Championship 2 as one of the best India-developed games as part of a larger article by Pocket Gamer Indian Mavens’ Games of the Year 2016. He also goes on to talk about the realistic and polished game play of WCC 2. Thanks to Mr. Rituraj for his appreciation and suggestions. Check out the complete article here: http://www.pocketgamer....

World Cricket Championship 2 was recently reviewed on TouchGo, where they explain in detail about the realistic features in the game which makes it a ‘complete cricket game’. With special mention to the various customization options, the difficulty levels and the 360 degrees shot in the Revolutionary Pro mode, World Cricket Championship 2 becomes the ‘perfect idealization’ for the hardcore...

The App review team of MIUI took up an initiative to review our game World Cricket Championship 2 and named it ‘the best cricket game ever’. They go on and explain in detailed all the amazing features WCC 2 has to offer. Game Links Google Play: iOS:

The iOS store launched a list of 20 apps and 16 games to ‘kick start your new year’ with World Cricket Championship 2 the only Indian made game has been featured on it. To quote apple ‘Don’t forget to make the most of your down time with the most stellar games’ with World Cricket Championship 2. Game on! Facebook: Link to the game :...